10 Cognitive rehabilitation exercises: practical examples
Cognitive stimulation or cognitive rehabilitation is a set of techniques to improve the functioning of cognitive abilities.
Cognitive rehabilitation and stimulation tool
Our platform offers a large amount of activities based on daily living designed by professionals.
Cognitive stimulation or cognitive rehabilitation is a set of techniques to improve the functioning of cognitive abilities.
Every July 26th Grandparents Day is celebrated to pay tribute to the vital role grandparents play in families. At NeuronUP, we would like to take this opportunity to discuss the difficult task of explaining Alzheimer’s disease to children.
We are very happy to announce that...NeuronUP is organizing the IV Iberoamerican Congress of Neuropsychology together with Neuropsychology Learning to be held on May 27, 28 and 29, 2021!
We live in a time in which we are swamped with stimuli that make it difficult for us to maintain attention on a task. It is becoming more common to watch a movie while reading the news on the computer and texting on the phone at the same time. We are now used to perform several tasks simultaneously, but do we really pay enough attention to what we are doing? How can we tell when we are dealing with attention problems? Can attention be trained?
Praxis refers to learned motor activity. In other words, praxis is the generation of volitional movement for the performance of a particular action or towards achieving a goal
Language is the ability enabling humans to communicate with others by means of sounds, signs and symbols used to name the objects in the outside world, their actions, characteristics, and the connections between them.
For most of us, it can be easy to answer questions like who are you? where are you now? or what day is today? For those with orientation impairments, however, these questions are really complicated.
February 18th is International Asperger’s Day, a still relatively unknown disorder among the general population. Today, NeuronUP would like to discuss Asperger’s from a neuropsychological point of view. What is Asperger Syndrome? Asperger Syndrome, a neurological condition, is considered to be an Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) that affects how the brain processes information. Boys are …
Movies provide us with stories of fantasy, comedy, adventure, or drama. Movies are much more than simple entertainment. Cinema is a fundamental tool to raise awareness about adverse real-life situations.