About NeuronUP
1. How to work with NeuronUP?
NeuronUP is a neurorehabilitation web platform for professionals. It has more than 10,000 cognitive stimulation activities classified by areas of intervention, patient age, language and type of activity. NeuronUP allows you to customize the activities to suit the characteristics and needs of your patients and thus increase their motivation and performance.
The professional can work with these activities independently, or through sessions or programs.
Sessions allow you to design an intervention in less than five minutes, with hundreds of exercises, adapted to the needs of each individual patient. It’s very simple, you just have to select the activities, assign the session to the patients you want to work with and select the date when the session is to be worked on, and that’s it!
Sessions allow you to work both in person and remotely with your patients, through telerehabilitation.
Never miss an appointment with a patient because of confinement due to the current health crisis, your patients’ vacations, their long working hours, long distances or their mobility problems.The ability to continue your work remotely will take away these previous mentioned limitations.
Programs on the NeuronUP platform are sets of sessions that allow you to be more organized for a scheduled intervention. Long-term planning will allow you to have a better organization in order to carry out a scheduled intervention.
In addition, NeuronUP has a patient manager that allows you to have all your patients’ information (their reports, medical tests, notes, agenda, activity results, etc.) grouped and organized in a single place, always accessible and safe. It also allows you to maintain the confidentiality of your patients.
In addition, the results of each patient are saved instantly, so that the professional can redefine the therapy according to the progress of each patient, promoting a continuous and guided improvement.
2. Videos to learn how to work with NeuronUP
In the following link you will find videos on how to use all the functionalities of NeuronUP to get the most out of the platform: activities, sessions, programs, patients and results.
3. I would like to learn how to work with NeuronUP, can I attend a free training session?
Would you like to learn how to properly use NeuronUP? Book a personalized training with one of our experts.
In the training you will be able to solve your doubts about the platform and we will teach you how to carry out an intervention adapted and customized to the needs of each of your patients. We will cover five key areas: activities, sessions, programs, results and patients.
4. Is it possible to work remotely with NeuronUP? Advantages of telerehabilitation
With NeuronUP, in addition to working at your workplace, you can create sessions for your patients to carry out from the comfort of their own home, what we call NeuronUP2GO.
Confinement due to the health crisis, your patients’ vacations, their long working hours, long distances or mobility problems will no longer be a limitation to be able to continue with your interventions.
Advantages of telerehabilitation with NeuronUP for professionals
- Expand the capacity of your business by managing the rehabilitation of patients located in anywhere in the world.
- Keep your appointment with remote therapy when the patient is sick, working out of town or on vacation.
- Perform a controlled and personalized remote intervention, with all the results being stored on the platform.
- Reinforce the interventions worked on in the clinic.
- Redefine the therapy according to the progress of each patient, promoting a continuous and guided improvement.
Advantages of telerehabilitation with NeuronUP for your patients
- Continue with their rehabilitation from the comfort of their own home at any time of the day
- Keep their therapy appointment when they are sick, working out of town or on vacation.
- Avoid coming to the clinic, something very important for people with mobility problems.
- Reinforcement the activities and interventions worked on in the clinic
- Increased adherence to treatment.
How does it work:
- The practitioner creates the session and assigns it to the patient for home on the date he/she wants it to be performed.
- The professional creates the login credentials for the patient (patientname and password) with which the patient will access the NeuronUP session from home
- The professional purchases the NeuronUP2GO access for the patient. The cost per patient per month is $10. We remind you that it is necessary to have a professional NeuronUP subscription in order to purchase NeuronUP2GO home accesses
Here is a complete video where you can learn how NeuronUP2GO works.
5. Is it possible to work with NeuronUP in a group?
Yes, NeuronUP is also designed to work in groups. Some centers work with groups where patients solve the different activities together. There is no doubt that working in groups has many advantages.
We highlight three main advantages:
- It greatly increases motivation.
- Patients learn from each other to perform the task.
- Social skills are worked on (respecting the turn to speak, listening, helping if necessary…)
6. Working with several patients at the same time
If you need to work with several patients at the same time, follow these steps:
- Assign the session to the patients:
- Select the session you want to assign and drag it to the corresponding date.
- In the list of patients, select the patients who will attend the session.
- Log in:
- Log in to your practitioner account on the first patient’s device.
- Select the session in the appropriate section and click “Start”.
- Once the session screen appears with the “Start” button, the second patient can access the session from another device and follow the same steps.
For more information, we also provide a video and a manual with detailed steps.
Video “How to work with multiple patients at the same time”
Manual to work with several patients simultaneously
Theoretical Framework
7. What cognitive functions can be worked with NeuronUP?
NeuronUP activities are divided by cognitive functions. You can work on orientation, attention, memory, language, executive functions, gnosis, praxis, visuospatial skills and social cognition.
In addition, we have gone a step further and all the activities are divided into more than 40 cognitive processes.
- Orientation: personal orientation, temporal orientation and spatial orientation.
- Attention: processing speed, sustained attention, selective attention, alternating attention and hemineglect.
- Memory: memory, episodic memory and procedural memory.
- Language: expression, comprehension, vocabulary, naming, fluency, discrimination, repetition, reading and writing.
- Executive functions: working memory, reasoning, planning, inhibition, flexibility, decision making, temporal estimation, dual execution and branching.
- Gnosis: visual gnosis, auditory gnosis, tactile gnosis, gustatory gnosis, olfactory gnosis, body schema.
- Praxis: facial praxis, ideomotor praxis, ideational praxis, visoconstructive praxis.
- • Visuospatial skills: spatial relationship and spatial visualization.
- Social cognition.
8. What kind of profiles is NeuronUP aimed at?
NeuronUP is aimed at professionals who work with individuals with brain damage, neurodegenerative diseases (Alzheimer, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson), neurodevelopmental disorders (ADHD, ASD), mental illness, Down syndrome, intellectual disability or who want to work on cognitive issues related to normal aging.
9. What kind of activities does NeuronUP have? Read more on the differences between worksheets, generators and games.
NeuronUP has three different types of activities: worksheets, generators and games. Below is an explanation of what each one is:
- They are divided by difficulty levels: basic, easy, medium, difficult and advanced.
- There are 2 different ways of working with them: correction mode (the platform gives feedback/corrects the patient after each action) or free mode (the platform does not correct the patient until the end of the exercise).
- Available in digital and printable formats.
- Create unlimited and ecological activities. The patient assimilates what to do in each activity, but never memorizes the result, as it is always different.
- There are 3 different ways of working with them: correction mode (the platform corrects the patient after each action), free mode (the platform does not correct the patient until the end of the exercise) and personalized mode (allows customization to the needs and circumstances and preferences of each patient).
- Available in digital and printable formats.
- They are divided by levels and the patient will go up or down in level depending on their performance. The games ensure that the patient is always at the level that is appropriate to their capabilities so that they are challenged but not frustrated.
- The games can be customized for each patient, according to their needs and personal circumstances.
- Available in digital format.
10. What are the advantages of working with NeuronUP for professionals?
The main advantages of working with NeuronUP for professionals are:
- The platform has more than 10,000 exercises with customizable content generators that allow the creation of unlimited and ecological materials
- Activities classified into more than 40 cognitive processes.
- Exercises with different levels of difficulty.
- Constantly growing repository of activities with new materials released every 15 days.
- Unlimited patients. All NeuronUP plans allow you to work with unlimited patients. No additional cost.
- Program sessions. The sessions allow you to design an intervention in less than five minutes, with hundreds of exercises, and adapt it to the needs of each patient.
- Telerehabilitation. You have the possibility of working remotely with your patients. The confinement due to the health crisis, your patients’ vacations, their long working hours, long distances or their mobility problems will no longer be a limitation to be able to carry out your work.
- Long-term planning. NeuronUP programs are sets of sessions that allow you to be more organized for a scheduled intervention
- Patient manager. It allows you to have all your patients’ information (their reports, medical tests, notes, agenda, activity results, etc.) grouped and organized in a single place, always accessible and safe. In addition, it allows you to maintain the confidentiality of your patients.
- Results analysis. Keep an exhaustive follow-up of the evolution of your patients.
- Technical support and personalized customer service.
- Online platform. No installation required.
- Access from a variety of devices: desktop computer, laptop, tablet, interactive whiteboard…
11. What are the advantages of working with NeuronUP for patients/clients?
The main advantages of working with NeuronUP for patients are:
- Intervention adapted and personalized to the needs of each patient.
- Activities developed by neuropsychologists and occupational therapists.
- Training in activities of daily living (ADLs).
- Motivational material with design adapted to the age of each patient.
- Activities in digital and paper format.
- Possibility of reinforcing the intervention with home activities (always guided by professionals).
12. What is the scientific basis of NeuronUP?
NeuronUP is based on a consistent theoretical framework supervised by a scientific committee of experts.
It starts from the premise of neuroplasticity, which is the brain’s potential to modify and adapt in response to experience, chemicals, hormones, or injury. This ability of the brain to reorganize itself, creating and strengthening neuronal connections, is the key to recovery. While the system itself can activate neuroplastic mechanisms, these have limits, so it is beneficial to stimulate and modulate them, which is achieved through proper therapeutic intervention.
In this area, we must talk about two types of intervention:
- Neuropsychological rehabilitation, whose goal is to restore the person to the highest possible level of functioning physically, psychologically, and socially. It is aimed at people who have suffered a brain injury or who have neurodevelopmental disorders, intellectual disability, or a mental illness.
- Cognitive stimulation, whose purpose is to slow down cognitive decline and maintain preserved abilities. It is applied to neurodegenerative diseases and normal aging.
When designing the material, we have also taken into account the concepts of ecological validity, which refers to the alignment between the improvement of the skills trained in the office and how they relate to better performance in daily life, and generalization, referring to the results that the training in certain tasks produces in other similar tasks.
Every therapeutic intervention must be unique, as it depends on diverse factors such as the type of impairment, the person’s characteristics and personal circumstances, or the particularities of the professional carrying out that intervention. Therefore, it is the professional who decides which type of activities each patient should do, how long each one should last, and in what order of difficulty the tasks should be graduated.
Therefore, NeuronUP provides you with tasks exhaustively classified by processes, leveled by complexity of demand, and customizable, allowing the professional to design a much more precise and effective rehabilitation/stimulation program.
For more information, see our theoretical framework:
13. I am not a professional and I want to use NeuronUP, how can I do it?
First of all, thank you for your interest in NeuronUP!
NeuronUP is a cognitive stimulation platform specially designed for professionals. In your case, if as an affected person or family member you wish to work with NeuronUP, you can inform your therapist about our tool and we will help them choose the plan that best suits their needs. If you are not yet working with a specialist, you can tell us your needs and your address and we will recommend a professional near you.
You can download a NeuronUP presentation to share with your professional: Download presentation.
Plans and Pricing
14. What plans does NeuronUP offer?
NeuronUP has three digital plans and three paper plans
Digital plans:
- Kids digital: is a plan with materials designed to work with children up to 12 years of age.
- Adults digital: : is a plan with materials designed to work with teenagers and adults.
- Adults + Kids digital: is a plan with all digital materials designed to work with adults, teenagers and children
The digital plans can be subscribed to on a month by month basis with no commitment of permanence. You can also subscribe to the yearly plans at a 20% discount. Check here for prices.
Paper plans:
- Kids paper: is a plan with printable materials for children up to 12 years of age.
- Adults paper: a plan with printable materials for teenagers and adults.
- Adults + Kids paper: is a plan with all printable materials for adults, teenagers and children.
You can check prices of the paper-based plans here.
All NeuronUP plans include:
- Activities with customizable content generators that allow the creation of unlimited and ecological materials.
- Activities classified in more than 40 cognitive processes
- Exercises with different levels of difficulty.
- Constantly growing repository of activities.
- Unlimited patients.
- Session planner. The sessions allow you to design in less than five minutes an intervention, with hundreds of exercises, adapted to the needs of each patient.
- Telerehabilitation. Possibility of working remotely with your patients. *It has an additional cost per patient per month.
- Program planner. NeuronUP programs are sets of sessions that allow you to have a better organization for a long-term scheduled intervention.
- Patient manager. It allows you to have all the information of your patients (their reports, medical tests, notes, agenda, results of activities, etc.) grouped and organized in a single place, always accessible and safe. In addition, it allows you to maintain the confidentiality of your patients.
- Results analysis. Keep an exhaustive follow-up of the evolution of your patients.
- Technical support and personalized customer service.
Please have a look at prices and the content of the plans in this link
Also, we recommend that you try a free trial period of our platform, request it here.
15. How much does NeuronUP cost?
Please have a look at prices and the content of the plans in this link
Also, I recommend requesting the free trial period of our platform: https://app.neuronup.com/public/trial/request
16. How many professionals can use NeuronUP at the same time?
NeuronUP plans are purchased per professional, so only the owner of that plan can use NeuronUP. If several professionals in the same clinic/hospital, etc want to use NeuronUP, they can add as many extra professionals as they want.
17. How many professionals can use NeuronUP at the same time?
NeuronUP plans are purchased per professional. If multiple professionals at a center want to use NeuronUP, they just need to add as many extra professionals as they want.
18. Can I work on paper with NeuronUP?
Yes, NeuronUP also has activities to work on paper.
- Kids paper: is a plan with printable materials for children up to 12 years of age.
- Adults paper: is a plan with printable materials for teenagers and adults.
- Adults + Kids paper: is a plan with all printable materials for adults, teenagers and children
All NeuronUP paper plans include:
Technical support and personalized customer service.
Activities with customizable content generators that allow the creation of unlimited and ecological materials.
Activities classified in more than 40 cognitive processes.
Exercises with different levels of difficulty.
Constantly growing repository of activities.
Unlimited patients.
Session planner. The sessions allow you to design in less than five minutes an intervention, with hundreds of exercises, adapted to the needs of each patient.
Telerehabilitation. Possibility of working remotely with your patients. *It has an additional cost per patient per month.
Program planner. NeuronUP programs are sets of sessions that allow you to have a better organization for a long-term scheduled intervention.
Patient manager. It allows you to have all the information of your patients (their reports, medical tests, notes, agenda, results of activities, etc.) grouped and organized in a single place, always accessible and safe. In addition, it allows you to maintain the confidentiality of your patients.
Results analysis. Keep an exhaustive follow-up of the evolution of your patients.
Specifications and Security
19. What devices can I use to work with NeuronUP?
You can work with NeuronUP from a desktop computer, a laptop, a tablet, an interactive whiteboard, etc.
20. What are the minimum requirements to work with NeuronUP?
To work with NeuronUP you only need to have a good Internet connection and a device with the following minimum specifications:
Minimum specifications for tablets
- Screen and resolution: minimum 9.7 inches.
- RAM and storage: minimum 3GB RAM and 16GB memory.
- Processors: minimum 1.8 Ghz
- Operating system:
- iOS: minimum 17.0.
- Android: minimum 10.
- Browser Chrome/Firefox: The two most recent versions.
- By brands:
- Apple: Ipad (2022)
- Samsung: Samsung Galaxy Tab A8 10,5″ (2022)
*It is recommended to purchase equipment with higher specifications than the minimums specified.
It is also advisable to test the device before purchase.
The reaction of the touch screen to the patient’s gestures is fundamental to obtain a good experience. Tablets under $200 or more than 3 years old are not recommended.
It should also be taken into account that most manufacturers do not support their equipment or operating systems beyond 4 years and NeuronUP cannot ensure the correct operation of the platform on unsupported equipment.
Minimum specifications for computers
- Screen and resolution: minimum of 17 inches.
- Processor: i5 and similar
- Operating system: Windows 10.
- Browser Chrome/Firefox: The two most recent versions.
In order to access NeuronUP content and all its new features, we recommend using browsers such as Firefox and Chrome, which are automatically updated, so that we can make the most of our multimedia activities.
Minimum Specifications for Interactive Monitors/Displays
- Display and resolution: recommended minimum 65 inches.
- Processor: minimum ARM Cortex-A73 and Mali-G71.
- RAM: minimum 4 GB RAM.
- Operating system: Android 9.
- Chrome/Firefox browser: The two most recent versions.
The reaction of the touch screen to user gestures is critical for a good experience. So screens with a response greater than 8ms are not recommended.
NeuronUP is not compatible with Internet Explorer and tablet native browsers like Samsung browser.
There are neurorehabilitation activities with high load of additional content, such as games and digital worksheets that include photographs, audios or a multitude of images. The waiting time until the activity is fully loaded may be increased if the speed of the Internet connection is slow or if your computer hardware is not powerful enough.
21. Are my patients’ data protected with NeuronUP?
At NeuronUP we proactively protect the personal data of both clients(patients) and professionals. We comply with the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) and, in addition, we have HIPPA compliance, focused on protecting medical data, and required in the USA.
If you want to get more detailed information have a look at:
- Legal Notice
- Annex II of our Terms and Conditions, where our obligations and security measures are listed.
22. Is online payment secure?
Online payment at NeuronUP is done through the Stripe payment gateway integrated in our NeuronUP website. Stripe is certified as a PCI Level 1 Service Provider. This means that Stripe has the highest and most rigorous level of security, according to the Payment Card Industry (PCI) Security Standards Council certified auditor.
23. What is NeuronUP Academy?
NeuronUP Academy is NeuronUP’s online training academy.
It is the place where you will be able to expand your knowledge, attending trainings given by the main national and international referents in the field of neurorehabilitation.
You will learn from the leading experts in neurology, neuropsychology, occupational therapy, speech therapy and physiotherapy. You will be able to engage in conversations with the best specialists and access a meeting point with professionals from all over the world.
NeuronUP clients with a digital subscription have exclusive access to the more than 70 trainings (in English and Spanish) carried out to date. All interested professionals will have free access to the live trainings, taking into account that clients will have priority if there is maximum capacity.
24. How can I get the NeuronUP expert certificate?
The official certificate as a NeuronUP Expert, besides guaranteeing your mastery of the platform, will allow you to generate confidence and will be an added value for your work profile.
To get it you will have to make frequent use of the platform and complete the following steps:
- Complete + 100 activities
- Create + 8 patients
- Create + 10 sessions
- Assign and complete + 25 sessions
When you reach these goals, you will receive the official NeuronUP certificate that certifies your knowledge of the platform.
25. How can I contribute to the NeuronUP blog?
If you are a neuropsychologist, occupational therapist, psychologist, speech therapist, rehabilitator or other specialist related to neurorehabilitation, then we’d love to have you write articles in our blog as a guest author.
You must be an expert in the topic you are going to discuss. Remember that we want to provide quality content for our readers.
Therefore, we ask you to complete the following form to get to know you better and to tell us about the topic you would like to write about. Once we receive it, we will work together with you to find the best approach forward.
26. How can I keep up to date with the latest in neurorehabilitation?
Sign up for our newsletter and discover the latest news in neurorehabilitation. Every week we will send you the latest news from our blog and from elsewhere on the web.
Free Trial
27. How can I try NeuronUP for free?
You can request your free trial here.
To access the NeuronUP free trial, you have to indicate the reason why you want to work with NeuronUP and the types of patients you work with. Then, you have to click on “Try 7 Days Free” and a form will open where you will have to tell us a little bit more about yourself (name, surname, email…) and once you have entered your data, you will have to click on “Start”.
And you can start using NeuronUP!
28. How long does the free trial last?
Currently, the free trial lasts 7 days, during which you will have full access to the platform’s digital materials so you can try all its features.
29. How can I cancel the NeuronUP free trial?
To end your free trial, you need to:
- Log into the NeuronUP platform and go to the “Administration” menu at the top of the screen.
- On the left side of the screen, click on “Plans Management”
- Click on the three dots on the top right area of the plan you want to cancel.
- Click on “cancel”.
- Your subscription has been cancelled and you will not be charged. Feel free to continue to use the platform during the days you have remaining on the trial period.
In the following video you can see how to cancel your NeuronUP free trial:
Video “How to cancel your trial”
30. Do I have access to all NeuronUP content during the free trial?
Yes, you will have complete access to the platform and its digital materials, without restrictions, so you can test all its functionalities and check if it fits your patients’ needs. Printable materials are limited but examples are able to be downloaded and printed.
31. I would like more information; how can I attend a free training?
To attend a free NeuronUP training session, select the date and time that best suits you here and a NeuronUP team member will give you a personalized presentation of NeuronUP.
During this free consultation, you will learn how to get the most out of NeuronUP. We’ll show you how to perform a tailored intervention customized to the needs of each and every one of your patients, either in-clinic or remotely.
We will cover five key sections:
- Activities
- Session planning
- Intervention program planning
- Analysis of results
- Patient management area.
32. How can I contact NeuronUP?
You can contact us through the web chat, calling us at +1 929 579 1273 (US) or +44 2036958524 (UK) or +34 941 287 238 (Spain) or sending us an email to [email protected], where one of our team members will offer you personalized attention and a prompt response.
In addition, you can request information about NeuronUP by filling out the form on the website.
We are here to help with any question big or small!
33. What technical support does NeuronUP offer?
NeuronUP offers technical support and personalized customer service on demand. We have a chat incorporated in the platform, through which you can ask any question and we will answer you as soon as possible.
In addition, you can contact us by calling +1 929 579 1273 (US) or +44 203 695 8524 (UK) or sending an email to [email protected], where one of our team members will offer you personalized attention and a prompt response.
You will also be able to schedule a free training where you will learn how to get the most out of the platform:
We will be at your disposal at all times to help you get the most out of the platform.