In this post, the licensed general psychologist Anna Canals Francés offers a series of tips to improve our attention capacity, differentiating between the different types of attention that exist.
We could say that attention is the ability to filter out distractions and focus on truly relevant information. In other words, it is what allows us to concentrate on a specific task while ignoring all the stimuli that may be present in our environment (noises, people, images, etc.).
Nowadays, we are surrounded by many stimuli, we are constantly connected, and many of us have even integrated multitasking as part of our lives. Therefore, in terms of attention, we are making a great effort, and it’s easy for errors to occur.
How can we improve attention?
There are several strategies to increase attention level and performance in all areas. One of the most effective methods is undoubtedly through exercises and specific tasks aimed at improving attention. However, there are also other methods that can help us achieve this:
- Controlling environmental conditions: Having an organized study or work area, with good lighting and the necessary materials within our reach, allows us to have fewer distractions. Ideally, we should be in a place where there are no frequent interruptions from other people or noises, although we know that in many jobs or some homes, this is not always possible. In these cases, having earplugs for those moments when we need complete attention can be very helpful. Special attention should also be given to mobile phones; having them in silent mode or with very low volume will also help us stay focused on what we are doing. Most WhatsApp messages and calls can wait, and if not, it is advisable to only attend to the most urgent ones.
- Getting organized: This aspect is essential for maintaining good attention. Planning what we will do and the order in which we will do things is crucial to avoid feeling lost or jumping from one task to another constantly, which entails a great mental strain in terms of attention. Additionally, we will make much better use of our time!
- Alongside the previous point, it is advisable to commit to doing one thing at a time to reduce the risk of errors. If new tasks come to mind, instead of leaving everything unfinished and then continuing, we can note them down on a sheet of paper to add them to the plan later on. With a proper order, if we are interrupted, we will be more aware of what we are doing and can easily return to the task at hand.
- Specific training: Attention training can be done through psychopedagogical reeducation. It involves training the ability to increase sustained and/or selective attention time and enhancing our internal discourse to guide us in tasks.
- Hobbies: Especially those activities that involve tracking stimuli, such as word searches, spot the difference games, and Sudoku, can help us maintain and improve our attention.
- Board and card games: These require our attention circuits to be highly activated in order to have a good game. We have many examples: Ludo, Monopoly, the famous Bingo, poker, mus, broom, etc.
- Through practices such as relaxation or mindfulness: Finally, we cannot forget about all those practices that help us have a more relaxed and focused mind. Stress and hyperactivity make it difficult for us to concentrate properly. Think, for example, of a moment when you were very nervous or stressed. How was your ability to stay focused on tasks? Or think about a moment when your children were very excited. Were they able to pay attention to what was being said or do their homework like any other day? Practicing relaxation allows us to reduce our restlessness in order to focus on one specific thing. Mindfulness also helps us center our minds on the present moment, with full awareness, which makes it easier to maintain good attention.
In addition to the aforementioned strategies, there are more general tips that will also help us improve memory, attention, and concentration, such as trying to get enough good-quality sleep, regular exercise, and eating a healthy diet.
Finally, if you are looking for something more practical and specific, here are 5 specific exercises to work on attention with NeuronUP, which work for both children and adults.
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Types of attention and how to specifically improve them
Training or rehabilitating attention is a process aimed at improving a person’s ability to focus, concentrate, and maintain attention on a specific task. This process may be necessary for individuals who have suffered some type of brain damage, have attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), or simply want to improve their academic or work performance.
According to the Sohlberg and Mateer model, there is a dependency relationship between the levels of attention, meaning that the proper functioning of the 4 types of attention depends on the functioning of the others, and they should be trained in a staggered manner: first sustained attention, then selective attention, then alternating attention, and finally, the most complex one, divided attention.
When rehabilitation is not necessary but attention improvement is desired, we can practice some exercises on our own.
Next, we will see the different types of attention that exist and how we can work on them individually at home.
Sustained attention
Based on the ability to maintain attention on a task for an extended period of time. It is necessary for activities such as reading, studying, or performing repetitive work.
Training or rehabilitating sustained attention focuses on increasing the amount of time we can concentrate on the task.
Some exercises we can practice include:
- Tracking exercises: Following an object with our gaze as it moves, such as a ball or a finger.
- Reading exercises: Reading a text for an extended period of time without losing concentration.
- Memory exercises: Memorizing a list of words or numbers and then reciting them in order.
Selective attention
Refers to the ability to focus on a specific task and ignore distractions. Most people cannot maintain attention on a single thing for more than 20 minutes but can choose to refocus on the same task multiple times.
It is necessary for activities such as driving, conversing in a noisy environment, or performing tasks that require concentration.
You can train selective attention with the following exercises:
- Search exercises: Finding a specific object in an image or physical space.
- Listening exercises: Listening to a conversation in a noisy environment and then answering questions about what was heard.
- Discrimination exercises: Distinguishing between two similar stimuli, such as two sounds or two images.
Alternating attention
The ability to quickly and voluntarily shift attention between different tasks. It is necessary for activities such as driving, following complex instructions, or participating in sports games.
To rehabilitate alternating attention, you can start by doing the following activities:
- Task-switching exercises: Switching between two different tasks, such as writing a sentence, then drawing a shape, and repeating the process.
- Game exercises: Playing games that require shifting attention between different stimuli, such as video games or board games.
- Another exercise in this case, which does not require any material, is to play a song and tap the table every time you hear a defined sound pattern.
Divided attention
Refers to the ability to perform two or more tasks simultaneously. It is necessary for activities such as driving while talking on the phone or taking notes while listening to a lecture.
You can improve divided attention by doing the following activities:
- Shadowing exercises: Listening to someone speak while performing another task, such as taking notes or writing an email.
- Listening to two conversations at once: Attempting to follow two different conversations happening simultaneously.
- Multitasking exercises: Performing two tasks at the same time, such as talking on the phone while cooking.
- Decision-making exercises: Making decisions in situations that require considering different factors, such as playing a simple video game on your phone while watching a TV series.
What benefits can be obtained for children and adults?
Improving attention allows children, teenagers, young adults, and adults to increase performance and be more effective in academic and/or work settings. Additionally, it reduces errors due to carelessness and forgetfulness, as well as decreases task completion time.
Finally, having a more attentive life helps us become more aware of our actions and live with lower levels of stress, as we can have more control over what we are doing.
- Sohlberg MM, Mateer CA. Effectivenessofanattention-training program. JournalofClinical and Experimental Neuropsychology. 1987;9(2):117–30.
- Sohlberg MM, Mateer CA. ImprovingAttention and ManagingAttentionalProblems. Annalsofthe New York AcademyofSciences. 2006;931(1):359–75.
- The peak performance center – Types of attention (2022).
- Mental Up – Types of attention (2021).
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