Physiotherapist Ancor Vila González explains his therapeutic vision of physiotherapy and the dual task in relation to his experience with NeuronUP.
Physiotherapy can be defined as treatment through movement. While dual-task is a therapeutic protocol where the goal is to enhance physical and mental performance by performing a physical exercise and a cognition exercise simultaneously. The NeuronUP platform is the perfect tool to implement this simultaneous treatment pathway.
My vision in physiotherapy and the double task
During my therapies, the results and the therapeutic exercise form my axis of reflection. On the one hand, manual therapy helps me to prepare the tissues to request their activation and to propitiate the synergy between them during targeted physical activity. On the other hand, therapeutic exercise is a fundamental tool for the improvement of many symptoms and significantly influences the patient’s well-being.
This exercise program must be designed, programmed, periodized, supervised and evaluated by an accredited health professional, in order to achieve the objectives set during the assessment.
At the Vila Fisioterapia center we affirm and apply the premise that the patient must be the main character during the time of the therapeutic accompaniment and beyond. For this reason, they must understand their problems, the causes and what is the behavior and attitude necessary for change towards wellness and health.
From my experience, encouraging patient empowerment is one of the levers of success in order to achieve the goals set.
Physical exercise and cognitive performance
Skeletal muscle behaves like an endocrine organ. According to some authors, it has the capacity to release protein substances with hormonal action called myokines. These proteins produce their effect in the tissues sensitive to them and these target regions can be located either in the proximity or in the periphery.
In particular, Brain-Derived Factor Neurotrophic Factor (BDFN) is one of these proteins whose target tissue is the central nervous system. This hormone is currently identified as the hormone that improves cognitive performance and promotes neuroplasticity within a training program based on specific elements.
Dual task
According to the scientific literature on the subject, it is a therapeutic element that improves both the physical performance and the cognitive capacity of the individual. According to certain authors, therapeutic exercise under certain conditions, favors the cognitive capacity of the individual.
Following this premise, we propose to the patient a physical stimulus, generally based on proprioception exercises and a simple cognitive activity. Depending on the personal abilities of each patient, the proposed exercises, both physical and mental, evolve in their complexity.
Use of NeuronUP in physiotherapy and dual-tasking
NeuronUP has generated a leap towards the digitalization of my therapies. Today, thanks to this software, I can propose a targeted physical activity and a digital cognitive task at the same time, both in the clinic and at home.
It also makes the therapies more pleasant and encourages the patient’s adherence to the accompaniment. In the same way, the ergonomics of NeuronUP allows the customization of the exercises for each patient and the motivating stimuli received improve the patient’s desire to change.
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It is common knowledge that continuity and adherence are important elements in achieving objectives and that the fun and variability of the exercises allow us to achieve the objectives set.
NeuronUP also favors patient automation. Through NeuronUP2GO, NeuronUP’s home sessions, the individual can perform both physical and cognitive exercises at home. This allows us to evaluate the person’s capacity for autonomy, their involvement and the physical and cognitive performance of the therapies.
In conclusion, I would like to emphasize the positive and accelerating effect of implementing our physical therapies with elements of cognitive training.
This also favors adherence, autonomy, performance and self-esteem of the person.
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