The Otaduy Education and Health Center explains cognitive stimulation for children in clinical and academic settings.
Otaduy Education and Health Center is a center that provides an integral and multidisciplinary service in the field of learning and health, understanding learning as an implicit part in the development of the child.
For this reason, our team of specialized professionals is led by Dr. Otaduy, pioneer in this method based on understanding learning with the needs of children in their different growth milestones, including speech therapists, pedagogues, neuropsychologists, clinical and school psychologists of different specialties and teachers.
The fact that the growth of the child is implemented in the concept of learning, has meant within our method the search for a clinical cognitive stimulation system, validated and recognized as NeuronUP.
We know that cognitive stimulation has its origin in the concepts of cognitive rehabilitation and neuropsychological rehabilitation, but in our case cognitive stimulation for children goes much further.
Cognitive stimulation for children
The brain is fundamentally plastic, capable of modifying its structure and functioning under appropriate conditions; it has the ability to renew itself or reconnect its neural circuits, so children WITH OR WITHOUT neurodevelopmental disorders working with cognitive stimulation are able to learn and develop non-established cognitive functions.
The greater the stimulation they receive, the more complete their neurological organization and the more they improve their skills and abilities.
Cognitive stimulation objectives for children
Our main objectives when working with cognitive stimulation are:
- To activate, stimulate and train certain cognitive abilities (perceptual reasoning, verbal comprehension, working memory and processing speed) in an adequate and systematic way to transform them into a skill, a habit and/or a dexterity.
- To develop mental capacities; to improve and optimize their functioning; to rehabilitate and to recover functions and capacities that suffer greater cognitive deficit, mainly sustained attention, working memory and processing speed.
Thanks to NeuronUP, we can not only train and improve cognitive abilities, but also gives us the valuable possibility of obtaining continuous feedback of the development and evolution of each child in the areas worked. It can be used as training for students of any age who wish to improve their academic performance.
Our work consists of adapting and personalizing the different cognitive stimulation exercises to the individual needs of each student.
Cognitive stimulation for children with learning difficulties
For example, in students who do have learning difficulties, cognitive skills related to inhibition capacity are trained, adapting programs in:
1. Focal and selective attention, distributed and sustained, as well as amplitude, orientation, flexibility and inhibition.
2. Immediate, working, episodic, semantic, procedural and prospective memory.
3. Language (phonology, lexicon-semantics, syntax, discourse, pragmatics).
4. Reasoning (categorization, abstraction of similarities and differences, analogical relations and logical reasoning).
5. Constructive praxis, ideomotor and ideatorial.
6. Executive functions (organization, planning, flexibility and initiative).
7. Perception (perceptual recognition and discrimination, visuospatial functions and body schema).
8. Spatial-temporal orientation (space, time, person).
Our experience with NeuronUP
Since 2017 we have been performing this cognitive stimulation with the NeuronUP program.
We chose this program among the existing offer, mainly because of its great versatility, and because of the possibility of customizing our individual programming, adapting the activities of each student.
We can select those areas of intervention most necessary in each case, in a playful and enjoyable way, being able to compare the results and the evolution presented by each student:
- Initial.
- Formation.
- Final.
Student motivation
By being able to select the activities that best suit each child, we get the motivation of the student, as the contents are presented in a very visual way and attract their attention.
We are talking about a new concept of cognitive stimulation, not only in its clinical version, but as a means to promote optimal development of learning.
The importance of training cognitive development
In the same way that physical exercise is necessary in children and young people in stages of their development, for the improvement of their physical and mental state, the use of cognitive stimulation supposes a useful and necessary means for the maintenance of the competences and intellectual capacities throughout their cognitive development, preventing the intellectual downturns in stages of growth, in times of stress or examinations, etc.
NeuronUP gives us the unbeatable service of being able to adapt to each child as a unique being.
Try NeuronUP free for 7 days
Work with our activities, design sessions or rehabilitate remotely
Concluding that, our experience with NeuronUP is more than satisfactory throughout these two years, in which we have been able to corroborate in an objective clinical way its effectiveness in the cognitive fields treated, both clinically and academically, for the improvement of school performance.
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